Dolphin Tours in Sun Harbor Marina, FL
When you take a Dolphin Tour, it is a magical experience. There is nothing like being able to see these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat. Dolphins are beautiful creatures. They are mammals that live in the water. They are known as fast swimmers. And can travel up to 25 miles per hour and jump 6 feet out of the water.
The United States, Atlantic, Pacific Oceans, and the Gulf of Mexico are home to many species of dolphins. A dolphin has a rounded head and a beak, like a bird. Short, stiff hairs protect them from sunburns and keep them warm. Dolphins have small lobes above their eyes.
Thanks to their highly social nature, friendly demeanors, and tendency to approach nearby swimmers, dolphins are easily one of the most popular choices of marine animals for tourists looking to extend their visit to the ocean.
The dolphin tours depart regularly from the Sun Harbor Marina, the community’s hub for all things aquatic, and lead visitors on a two-and-a-half-hour trip around the surrounding Islands in hopes of spotting some of the many dolphins that call the area home.
Dolphin watching in South Florida has become so popular over the years that now, for just a few months, thousands of people jump on boats to take their chances at seeing a dolphin in its natural habitat. (Some are lucky enough to see more than one.) It’s not hard to understand why the dolphins are cute, friendly, and jump out of the water with great ease.